Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Gifted Academy Series Blitz with Reviews!


Series: Gifted Academy Series
Author: Michelle Hercules
Genre: Paranormal High School Bully
Reverse Harem Romance



Nowhere is safe when the gods are wicked.

Since the beginning of times, there have always been two sides: Norms and Idols.

But never have the scales been so unbalanced as they are today.

I’m a Norm, which means, I grew up in fear of the Idols and their godly powers.

And now, I’m going to be surrounded by them, day and night. I’ve been offered a place at the prestigious Gifted Academy, an opportunity very few Norms get.

To survive, I must become invisible. But my hope to get through the academy unscathed goes down the drain when the most powerful boys in school set their eyes on me.

They hate me simply because I’m a Norm. If they knew who I truly am, they’d tear me apart limb by limb. But I’m done cowering away from Idols. It’s time for the Norms to fight back, and it all starts with me.

*Disclaimer: Due to mature content, this book is recommended to readers 18+. It contains situations that may be triggering to some readers.




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What an intense introduction into this series. The concept of Idols, Fringes and Norms is something that seems so archaic but also so very relevant to this day and age as well. Daisy is a Norm that gets into the Gifted Academy by chance. What starts as her fighting to survive turns into something so much more. You can tell the connection between her, Bryce, Rufio, Phoenix and Morpheus something so intense that they have no clue what is happening. While the boys try to make her time at the academy hellish, she fights back so hard that they are impressed with her. It is intense and raw! And that ending!


I knew being the only Norm at Gifted Academy would be hard and dangerous, but I didn’t expect to be tossed out of a window. Also didn’t expect to be saved by one of the Magnificent Four.

Bryce brought me back from the brink of death, but he did more than heal my broken bones. He weakened my defenses and carved a place in my heart.

He’s not the only one vying for my attention. Rufio, Phoenix, and Morpheus have all changed their attitudes toward me, and recklessly, I want to know where it will lead.

But a complicated romance with four ruthless Idols should be the least of my worries. Powerful players are closing in, getting ready to either use or destroy me. I don’t know which one is worse.



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While we dive right into this one, my heart is racing with all the little twists and turns the author adds to this story. I was blown away by the level and attention to detail that has been brought forth in this series and my mind is just going crazy! As the connections deepen between Daisy and the group of guys, they all find their niche together. Regardless of what anyone says, Daisy wants them all and they all want her! Secrets are revealed and oh are they mind blowing!


The impossible has happened. I became the thing that I’ve hated my entire life. Thanks to Bryce’s gift, I’m now an Idol. But I no longer want to see them all destroyed. Thanks to Bryce, Rufio, Morpheus, and Phoenix, the four powerful Idols I’ve fallen in love with, I realize I can’t blame an entire race for the evil doings of a minority.

Being an Idol doesn’t make my existence easier, though. On the contrary, thanks to the rare gift I’ve developed, I’m now wanted dead or alive. Some want to use me as a weapon; others want me gone forever.

We’re living in dangerous times, and the only Idols I can trust are my boyfriends. But we need allies because war is coming and we can’t fight in it alone.



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With how things ended in Ruthless Idols, we dive right back in with Hateful Heroes. Things are insane and Daisy doesn’t know where to begin. She has powers. She has a lineage. She is totally a fish out of water. But with the guidance of Morpheus and the rest of the crew, they help her in so many ways. I think what I adore about this one and this series is seeing the build up of the relationship Daisy has with each of them. They are all on different levels. I think overall though, Morpheus is my man! More and more things are exposed and they are fighting them head on!


The war between Idols and Norms has finally begun. The Neo Gods have shown their hand. They plan to vanquish every single Norm by using any means necessary, even using Fringes to do their dirty work.

My identity as the Unmaker has been revealed, which means I must go into hiding until we’re ready to strike back. But fighting the Neo Gods is not our only problem. Chaos, the primordial god, wants me dead, and facing him seems impossible. He doesn’t care who wins the war. He wants utter destruction.

Our only hope to defeat him, stop the Neo Gods, and save the world is to finally unveil the secret that connects me to Bryce, Rufio, Phoenix, and Morpheus. The key is in our past. We just have to stay alive long enough to discover it.

*This is the FINAL book in the Gifted Academy series.



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Oh my stars, the ending to this series!!! MIND BLOWN! I did not want it to end. I was so engrossed in every word that I could not put it down. The things they learnt about Daisy and Bryce leads to so much more with Rufio and the rest of the guys! Morpheus is a massive player again in this one and I sooooo adore him! I think each of these guys do in their own way own a piece of my heart! Rufio for his determination regardless of the hand he was dealt through this series. Phoenix for his heart and the fight in him when it comes to Daisy. Bryce for how much he cares not just for Daisy but everyone else. Then Morpheus, his dark soul has light in it because of Daisy.

Honestly, I cannot say a lot of things because I refuse to do spoilers. Just know that this is by far my favorite reverse harem, paranormal, academy series I have ever read in my life. I absolutely adored every word and how each installment gave so much and ended with a bang with Broken Knights!


USA Today Bestselling Author Michelle Hercules always knew creative arts were her calling but not in a million years did she think she would become an author. With a background in fashion design she thought she would follow that path. But one day, out of the blue, she had an idea for a book. One page turned into ten pages, ten pages turned into a hundred, and before she knew, her first novel, The Prophecy of Arcadia, was born.

Michelle Hercules resides in Florida with her husband and daughter. She is currently working on the Blueblood Vampires series and the Rebels of Rushmore series.


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