Monday, May 31, 2021

Cover Reveal: Savage Legacy Series by Faith Summers


Savage Legacy Series
Author: Faith Summers
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance
Cover Design: Cover Couture
Photo: Michelle Lancaster

Releasing October 21

She was supposed to be another conquest.
A tributary payment to my family for her father’s sins.
She was a sign a defeat for him to always remember the Della Torres owned him and everything he had.
Wealth and power always flowed through my veins like blood.
My life was all about retribution and usurping the defeated.
Until the day I placed my ring on Mia’s finger and she unlocked something inside my cold dead heart.
It was always clear she shouldn’t know me.
A woman like doesn’t belong in darkness.
But the conqueror inside me wants to break her until she’s mine.

Releasing December 31

She became mine when her sister took the easy way out.
I thought I wouldn’t care which of the sisters I got as long as the marriage benefitted me.
That was until she saw something she shouldn’t have and got a target on her back.
She’s mine to protect.
The man who touches her will die at my hands.
But soon I want more than just to watch over her.
I want to break her until she gives me everything.
Including her heart.

Releasing February 22

I left to find the truth and eradicate the lies.
Someone killed my father and everyone thinks it was me.
Everyone except for her.
She’ll put herself in danger if she follows me.
So that’s a risk I can’t take.
I break her heart to save her.
But now I want her back.
The stakes are high and I’m a dead man walking.
She was always mine though, whether she wanted to be or not.
This time I don’t plan to make the same mistakes.


Faith Summers is the Dark Contemporary Romance pen name of USA Today Bestselling Author, Khardine Gray.
Warning!! Expect wild romance stories of the scorching hot variety and deliciously dark romance with the kind of alpha male bad boys best reserved for your fantasies.
Dive in and enjoy her naughty page-turners.


Cover Reveal: Orbiting Mars by K.L. Savage


Title: Orbiting Mars
Series: Ruthless Kings MC #13
Author: K.L. Savage
Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense/Organized Crime
Cover Design: Lori Jackson
Photo: Wander Aguiar
Model: Zack Salaun
Release Date: June 15, 2021


I'm a car accident waiting to happen and it's only a matter of time before I crash.
Every day that passes, every second I blink, the need to drink grows.
Meetings aren’t enough.
My will power isn’t enough.

The second I see her, I want to crash into her instead
But she may not be enough to kill the need
I’m trying…but I can’t try anymore.
And when Sunnie tells me something that I can’t handle?
I break.
I run away.
I sprint to the nearest watering hole.
Away from life, from responsibilities, from fear…
I’ve never been good with change. Everything is safe right now.
I’m in a bubble and I’ve kept Sunnie there too.
She wants more than that kind of life.
I don’t know how to give it to her.
Her words play on repeat in my head.

“Maybe isn’t fair for us to sacrifice the things we want if it means being together?”
If I don’t have her, I have nothing.
But you know what I do have? Addiction.
And I’m staring at the bottle.
She’s beautiful.
Just. One. Taste.
And everything will be okay.





No one knows where I am. I have my phone off. I didn’t tell anyone where I was going, and I didn’t speak a word to Sunnie about it. I’m too afraid to. After all the progress I’ve made and all the steps I’ve taken, I’m starting to relapse.
I want rum.
I want it so fucking desperately it keeps me up at night. I dream about it. When I drink coffee, I find myself wishing rum were in the cup instead. I’ll settle for anything at this point. Vodka. Whiskey. Gin. I don’t care. My mouth is watering for it.
My body aches for it. My muscles hurt and spasm, and there is this constant throb in the base of my skull.
Screaming at me to give in.
I rub my temples and exhale a shaky breath. My fingers tremble around my sobriety chip as I fumble with it, twisting and flipping it in my palm.
The room fills with people, and the cheap metal chairs scrape against the floor, echoing in the wide-open space. To the left is a table topped with coffee, tea, water, and soda. To the left of the coffee maker are packets of sugar in a container and a bottle of coffee creamer.
Maybe I just need to drink something, and the craving will stop. I stand, rubbing my sweaty palms against my jeans. There are a few new faces here tonight, and they’re hovering around the beverage table, away from the regulars. Ah, I remember standing in the back, hoping to not be seen. It’ll get easier. It helps being surrounded by people with the same struggle.
I grab a Styrofoam cup and fill it halfway, adding a dash of creamer. I don’t bother stirring in it. It isn’t to wake up. It’s just to do something other than think about alcohol. I take a sip and let the hot java sear my throat, hoping like hell it burns the addiction right out of me.
A younger woman, possibly no more than eighteen, is stirring her tea next to the table. She looks like she’s seen better days. She has bright blue hair, which I think is so cool. I’ve never seen anyone pull off a color like that. She seems sad and is a bit too thin. By the track marks on her arms, I’ll say that has something to do with it.
Maybe I can introduce her to Sunnie.
“Hi, I’m Patrick.” I introduce myself to try and break the ice, showing her that we aren’t a scary bunch.
“Poppy.” Her hand meets mine in a firm shake.
I thought it would be limper, considering how she looks.
“So, what’s your vice, Poppy?” I lean against the pillar and sip the bitter coffee.
It sure the fuck doesn’t go down as smooth as rum.
“Heroin and Vodka. You?” She lifts her eyes to mine, and the dark circles take me back to the early days of recovery.
“Rum, but I drank just about anything.”
She nods as if she understands. Her eyes dart around the room. I can tell she’s feeling overwhelmed. “I don’t know if I can do this,” she admits.
“I get it, but don’t put so much pressure on yourself. You don’t have to speak, but it helps.”
“Is this your first meeting?” she stares at me, hopeful.
I snort, bringing the cup to my lips. “Try my thousandth, maybe? I don’t know. It’s up there. I don’t come much anymore because I’ve been doing better.”
She cocks her head and analyzes me. “Why are you here today?”
“Because right now, I wish this coffee was rum, and I’m this close,” I hold my finger and thumb barely apart, “this fucking close, to saying fuck everything just to get a drink.”



All free in Kindle Unlimited



Releasing July 7



Releasing August 24



K.L. Savage decided they were tired of looking for the kind of books they wanted to read. They had an itch that needed to be scratched, and as every girl knows, nothing scratches better than an alpha.

They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.

If you have the same itch, their alpha males should fix that.


Friday, May 28, 2021

Bullseye by K.L. Savage


Title: Bullseye
Series: Ruthless Kings MC #12
Author: K.L. Savage
Genre: Dark Romantic Suspense/Organized Crime
Release Date: May 28, 2021


Just when you think you have it all, everything changes...

I had everything a kid could want.
A home. Food. Toys. Friends. Loving parents.
And it all equaled happiness.
Then my life went up in smoke.
Happiness no longer existed.
I trusted the wrong person.
And in a blink of an eye, the cruelty of the world reared its ugly head.
Four walls. Darkness.
Memory loss.
My first love.
And people watching in the corners.

Now, I'm conditioned.
I need to watch.
I need to be watched.
No one understands the turmoil inside me.
And the one person who seems to calm it?
Ruby Raine.

A little spitfire of a woman who released the strife I've been swallowing for eighteen years.
She made me realize how weak I was and how strong I needed to be.
To tackle my demons, I have to admit everything.
I have to trust and that's one thing that doesn't come easy for me.
Ruby shows me it's okay to let go, to let someone steer for a bit, to give up a little control.
So I let go. I let her have the reins.
The road is bumpy, a minefield of explosives with her debt and my pain.
Every chance she takes on me is a step I take to better myself.
Love is a surprise.
A dart that Ruby tossed, and it hit me in the middle of my chest.
Unleashing… everything.

I'm my own target. If there's one thing I can do, it's aim.



Free in Kindle Unlimited

I am honestly not sure I could come up with the adequate words to do this review justice because this story is so freaking raw and emotional that it completely gutted me in so many ways. Seeing these stories by Savage develop and the back stories created for these guys, it really hits you with the feels and it will stick with you. Bullseye is no exception. It is raw, emotional, heartbreaking and so much more. The pain that Bullseye carries is so intense. Seeing him in his own story really makes things make sense from prior books as well. But with Ruby, all bets are off no matter how guarded Bullseye tried to be. There was just that intense connection these two had from the start and no matter how much they fought it, they could not let go. There is a LOT to unpack within this story and it will leave your head spinning. The level of twists and turns blows me away. They are jaw dropping and unexpected. 

As this series continues, the stories get more intense. Watching Savage develop since Reaper’s Rise has been such a privilege because there is magic in Savage’s words. I am constantly falling in love with each and every character they create and the history they give them. Bullseye will gut you, break you, mend you and have you swooning by the end.



Everyone’s room has a little history.
Where is his?
I tiptoe to the dresser. Pause. I cut a glance back to the door as if I’m about to get caught, but nothing’s there. After a minute, I continue. I open one drawer and roll my eyes.
All mismatched.
“Of course,” I mumble.
I close that drawer and open the next.
Oh. Underwear.
Sexy underwear. None of that saggy Fruit of the Loom shit, but Grade-A nut hugging undies. I hold one up, and it feels like spandex. It has to be some type of stretchy material. Damn, I bet he looks so good in these as they cling to every curve.
Imagining them stretched over his tree trunk thighs, suctioning over his cock, and pulled taut over his plump ass like a second skin.
“God bless the woman who made this man,” I say silently to God, or whoever’s idea it was to make such a fine specimen.
I keep the drawer open because I’m nowhere near done with it. I want to see what else he has in the goody forbidden drawer. “I’ll be back,” I whisper to the sexy spandex briefs. “I’ll miss you.”
My knees pop as I squat to open the last drawer, and what I find surprises me.
It’s empty.
I tap my hand around the drawer, and the back end pops. I freeze. Oh, shit. I’m about to find something I’m not supposed to see. That was the point. This was what I wanted. I take a deep breath. Here it is. Here is Bullseye’s history that he keeps hidden away. Part of me feels terrible for just snooping around like this, but he left me in here, so…
With a slow, careful hand, I take out the board, ready for whatever surprises might be waiting for me. My imagination runs wild—maybe it’s photos of him and his lovers. Maybe it’s a secret stash of mementos. Maybe it’s… oh.
It’s nothing.
Just a bunch of cash and darts. That’s disappointing. I frown and dig around, even more, trying to find a dirty secret, but that’s all I see. Just stacks of cash and some of his darts. Nothing that tells me about Bullseye’s history. I’m coming up empty-handed.
“What are you doing?”
I scream, then hold my hand to my chest when I hear Bullseye’s voice. I look up to see him standing in the doorway, arms crossed and staring at me. “Uh, I’m snooping,” I answer honestly.
His eyes drop to my chest, and that’s when I remember I’m still holding a pair of sexy undies. I’m holding them close since he scared me.
“Need some underwear, Spitfire?” he tsks, walking into the room and shutting the door. “Cash? Both?”
“No.” I toss the underwear in the drawer they belong in and close it, then close the secret cash drawer. “I wanted to find something personal, I guess.”
“Disappointed that you didn’t?” He takes a seat on the bed, and the springs groan from his weight.
“A little bit.” I take the spot next to him and evaluate his face. His eyes are red, as if he’s been crying. A few things start to click together. He doesn’t have anything personal in his room because everything he deems personal, he keeps close to his heart.
So if I want him, if I want to get to know him, I have to earn him.



All free in Kindle Unlimited



Releasing June 15



Releasing July 7



Releasing August 24



K.L. Savage decided they were tired of looking for the kind of books they wanted to read. They had an itch that needed to be scratched, and as every girl knows, nothing scratches better than an alpha.

They write about gritty, alpha males, sometimes their dark sides, and the women they love.

If you have the same itch, their alpha males should fix that.


Cover Reveal: Little Bird by Kally Ash


Title: Little Bird
Series: Dirty Deeds #1
Author: Kally Ash
Genre: Dark Mafia Romance
Cover Design: Sly Fox Cover Designs
Release Date: June 29, 2021


Fuck, it's good to be King...

Bane Rivera: my name is well-known and feared in the seedy underbelly of Los Angeles.
There is only one rule that I live by—only one rule that matters—never let pussy get in the way of business.


Then Wren Montana happened.

She barged into my office—into my life—like a beautiful wildfire, demanding something of me I couldn’t ever give her: a fucking pass for her brother’s mistake.

From the moment I saw her, I knew I had to have her. To feel her spirit break under my crushing grip as she gave her very soul to me. Until she was dependent on me like a junkie for their next fix.

But she wasn't like the other women I'd fucked and discarded. No, my Wren, my Little Bird, she was strong. Every time she told me no, every time she walked away, it only fanned the flames of my need, consuming me…

Causing me to forget my one and only rule.


$2.99 for a limited time!



“Little Bird.”
Jumping, I turned to find Bane standing there in the same suit as I’d seen him in this morning, although he’d jettisoned the jacket. His shirt was open at the collar, revealing a tantalizing look at the tattoos that continued from his neck, down onto his chest. His dark hair was fuck-me tousled, his dark eyes drinking me in.
“Jesus, you scared me,” I told him.
He smirked.
The bastard.
“Would you like a drink?”
“Fuck yes. Whisky on the rocks.”
His smile widened a little more before he turned to the bartender who was waiting at his elbow. After he’d ordered our drinks, we waited in silence. Bane was staring at me, his gaze never staying in one place too long. It dropped from my face to my chest, then lower. I had no idea what he was expecting to see. I’d come straight from work so I smelled of wet dog and was covered in hair. I’d toyed with the idea of getting changed, but I figured this wasn’t actually going to take too long. I’d find out the details, then I’d leave.
“Let’s go and sit down,” he said, handing me my drink and gesturing to the main floor of the club. I let him lead the way, trying to ignore how great his ass looked in those slacks. He picked a couple of seats at the far end of the club, as far away from the gyrating pole dancers as we could get.
“I thought you might want a little privacy,” he told me in a dark voice that made my ovaries quiver a little bit.
I took a sip of my whisky, savoring the burn. “This won’t take long.”
With humor dancing in his eyes, he also took a sip from his glass before placing it onto the small table beside him. “I make it a point never to do things fast with a beautiful woman.” He lounged back in the chair, his elbows on the high arms, his legs spread wide. I got a very vivid picture in my mind of what it would be like to be with a man like him, one that oozes dominance and power…


⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "I have to say I was hooked immediately by this opposites attract story and loved every minute. I definitely will be reading the full story when it releases, I can’t wait to see what happens."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "The darkness in the plot had me breathless in the best way. The characters gripped you immediately and I loved the whole dynamic that they brought to the pages. Dark Romance at its finest. I need more! I absolutely loved it!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "This is the first time I have read this author and I am impressed with this story“

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "This story screams your dark erotic romance that was borne on a mistake then turned into something "more" in the end."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "This story was a real page turner that captured my attention from the very beginning! The great character and plot development kept me totally engaged as the journey between Wren and Bane unfolded! This is a book that I highly recommend reading!"

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ "It was amazing. Totally different from her usual books but it was incredible. I can't wait to see what she comes up with next."

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ “Bane is a dirty, dirty player. This is a hot read that is just the beginning of their story.”


Kally Ash is a USA Today Best Selling Author whose passions include curling up with a good book, devouring chocolate and getting kitty cuddles. Tempt Me is her debut novel, and the first book in a three book series. Some of her unicorn authors include Sawyer Bennett, Elizabeth Hayley and Haley Jenner.

Cover Reveal: Don't Go Away Mad by Lacey Black


Title: Don't Go Away Mad
Series: Burgers and Brew Crüe #2
Author: Lacey Black
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Cover Design: Melissa Gill Designs
Photo: Wander Aguiar
Model: Lucas Loyola
Release Date: June 29, 2021



The kitchen: it’s my domain, where I create the best burgers in the Midwest. I’m the man behind the grill at Burgers and Brew, the restaurant and bar I co-own with my best friends. Every night, we’re packed, the demand has never been this high. It’s the only way I want it, thriving and pushing myself to be the very best.

Then she started her new business across the street from mine.

The one woman who always got under my skin, who pushed me to be better. Lyndee was my biggest rival in school and my biggest regret.

Now, she’s in town, and as much as I try, I just can’t stay away.

I want her.


A new start: that’s what Stewart Grove means for me and my brother. He’s the one who pushed me to take the chance on opening my own bakery. I am ready for the long hours, the grueling schedule, and the hard work it will take to be successful.

I wasn’t at all prepared to come face-to-face with the man across the street.

An almost kiss in college with the world’s most infuriating man has haunted me for the last decade. Now Jasper’s here, and I don’t think I can resist him.

Things are about to heat up in and out of the kitchen.

I just pray I don’t get burned.



Only available at the following
retailers for a VERY limited time



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Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading and writing. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and a chocolate lab. Lacey loves shooting guns and should only consume one mixed drink because she’s a lightweight.


Cover Reveal: Love Harder by Monica James

  Title: Love Harder A Memoir Author: Monica James Genre: Creative Non-Fiction Cover Design: Sommer Stein Perfect Pear Creative Cover...