Title: Pretty Dependable
Series: Pine Village #2
Author: Lacey Black
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Tropes: Small Town/Single Mom/Friends to Lovers
Release Date: December 12, 2023
Being a single mom is the most challenging, yet rewarding job I’ve ever had. Especially in a small town, where everyone knows your story, or at least their version of it.
They say it takes a village, and they’re right. I’ve been lucky to have close friends to help me raise my son, Brody. One particular friend stands out above the rest. TD stepped up in a big way, teaching my son everything a father should. That’s why his friendship means so much to me. Brody and I both rely on his friendship. Any feelings I have for my sexy friend must stay buried. It’s safer that way.
Turns out, it’s much harder to do when he decides he’s done being just my friend. He wants more.
There’s nothing worse than being in lust with one of your friends. For years, I’ve been fighting my attraction to Ellie and keeping it a secret. I thought I was doing what was best for all of us.
Between working as the local police officer and coaching high school football, I’m left with very little downtime, but what I do have is spent with Ellie and her son. When I find out the seventeen-year-old boy might be working to get this football coach and his mom together, all bets are off. With Brody on my side, I’m willing to take the chance and blur the lines between friends and lovers.
I have to make her see we can have it all. Despite her reservations, I’ll show her love is worth the risk.
I have been excited to get back to the Pine Village world that Black introduced us to and I am still in love with this town. Plus single mom romance, sign me up! I love Ellie as she has such spunk with great character. Then you add TD. Her best friend. And her crush. I ADORE a great friends to lovers romance as well! It made my heart happy throughout the book as these two built into something more. They have great chemistry and TD is so amazing with Brody as well! How can you not love him? There are some great ups and downs throughout this one and it is a great cozy read!
Releasing March 19
USA Today Bestselling Author Lacey Black is a Midwestern girl with a passion for reading, writing, and shopping. She carries her e-reader with her everywhere she goes so she never misses an opportunity to read a few pages. Always looking for a happily ever after, Lacey is passionate about contemporary romance novels and enjoys it further when you mix in a little suspense. She resides in a small town in Illinois with her husband, two children, and three rowdy chickens.
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